The OneCoin Cryptocurrency Is Changing The World

Since the dawn of BitCoin, other cryptocurrencies like OneCoin have emerged. Cryptocurrency has made significant strides in many different sectors of the world. A simple search can be done on Google or YouTube and a wealth of information will be discovered. BitCoin offered an incredible opportunity starting at ten cents per coin and was eventually valued at over $1200 per coin.

The word about BitCoin was spread around but lots of people passed on the opportunity to buy some. Information circulated that BitCoin was a scam and a ponzi scheme and a lot of people turned away from it. Later, they realized they had made one of the biggest mistakes of their lives. We know people who lost about 8 million dollars.

The good news is that OneLife now offers an opportunity with OneCoin that some believe has even more value to offer. Take time on this site to watch, read and learn how you can profit by learning about cryptocurrency and more in the 21st century.

Are You Ready To Learn How To Profit From OneCoin Cryptocurrency?

OneLife offers a university level education program through the OneAcademy that can qualify you as an expert in the field of cryptocurrency. You will understand what cryptocurrency is and the impact it is having on our current high-tech, mobile world. Also, you will understand how you can earn huge profits from this disruption in our current world.

Dr. Ruja Ignatova  is the Founder and Visionary of OneCoin and has written two books on cryptocurrency that can be found on Amazon. Following her genius plan, OneCoin offers a number of unique and powerful differences from BitCoin.

This Is One Company You Don’t Want To Ignore

In a person’s lifetime they encounter just a few opportunities to be part of something that is considered a global disruption. In just the past few decades you can think of a few technologies that have changed the entire way that people live. Here are a few technologies that changed the world; television, phones, cell phones, computers, Internet and social media.

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There were people that said BitCoin was a scam and they lost millions of dollars. Please take the time to make an educated decision and not do what someone else says. Make a decision for yourself. Take some time to read through this website and you will learn all you need to know about OneLife and OneCoin.

dr ruja ignatova
onecoin presentation
onecoin blog

You would like to know how to sell OneCoin?

how to sell onecoin

First, congratulations for owning OneCoin, you made a great decision to purchase some. I would certainly like to make a comment before you do sell any OneCoin and not to persuade you not to sell OneCoin but Dr. Ruja, at an event in the United Kingdom, did make a statement that the value of OneCoin could be as high as 20 Euros by the end of 2016.I only mention that because if you want to sell OneCoin to see if it is possible, I can assure you it is. The money will be deposited right into your cash account and then you can have it transferred to you. Maybe you are selling because you need the money. That is a different story and I am sorry to hear it and I would suggest, if possible, that you find another way to meet your needs. OneCoin is moving step-by-step in the right direction to become a global company in the remittance market and it will be your OneCoin that is needed as a medium for the global sending of money.

Still want to sell your OneCoins?

If you want to sell OneCoins then you can watch the video above and follow it step-by-step. It is not a complicated process and anyone can do it. You will need to take care of your Know Your Customer (KYC) documents first. This is to keep OneCoin compliant with international banking laws. Now you know how to sell OneCoin on the exchange. Congratulations again!

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Did you know you can modify your ask price for OneCoin?

If you did not know that you can sell your OneCoin for less than market value, which helps it sell faster then click on this link to learn how to do this.

Sell OneCoin Below Market Value

Did you know you can sell OneCoin below market value?

how to sell onecoin

You may not have realized it but the exchange allows you to sell OneCoin for less than the current market price. Now you may be wondering why you would want to sell OneCoins for less than the market price since that would mean that you would make less money than would be possible. That is right, you would make less money, and you may not want to sell OneCoin at all with the projections of what the future of OneCoin holds but if you want to sell some OneCoin there are some things to remember.

Why sell OneCoin for less than market value?

Remember, although the OneCoin exchange is currently only available to registered OneCoin miners, it is a free market experience. That means that other registered miners are selling or not selling, which will affect your buying and selling. For example, if you are selling OneCoin at market value, there may be other miners that are selling their OneCoin at less than market value. (We have a video about selling OneCoin for less than market value in the video tutorials) This means that their OneCoin will sell before yours. So if you want market value, you may have to wait. So, selling OneCoin for less than market value increases your chances of selling your coins.

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Here are some other important things to remember about the exchange

  1. The exchange is open Monday through Friday and closed on the weekend.
  2. You can trade with 1.5% of your available OneCoin.
  3. You cannot trade with a fraction of a coin.
  4. There are daily sell limits based on package.
    • Starter/Trader: 12 EUR
    • Pro Trader/Executive: 36 EUR
    • Tycoon: 60 EUR
    • Premium/Festival/Infinity/Combos: 120 EUR

It is important to keep in mind that the orders on the exchange are valid for 5 days. If they are not executed within those 5 days, they are declined and during that time, their status that will be displayed as “Pending”. In case an order is not executed or pending no funds (money or OneCoins) are being debited from the account.As a standard exchange platform all market principles are applicable, so we are not able to affect the time, number or price of executed orders. The sell orders are dependent on the amount of the submitted buy orders, so they will be executed when there are existing matching opposite orders.

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