Vestige Full Business Plan

Good Morning दोस्तो। आज की इस Post में आपको बताऊंगा|की एक New Member को आप Vestige के प्लान को कैसे बता सकते है। अगर आपको अभी तक Vestige के बारे में आपको कुछ भी नहीं पता है तो आप इस Blog को आखिर तक जरूर पढे ओर आप ज्यादा से ज्यादा Share करे। अगर आपके पास Team है। तो आप अपनी Team को जरूर share करो| उनको बहुत help मिलेगी| आज में आपके बीच Life Change Opportunity Share करने जा रहा हूं।जहां पर आपको कुछ भी Investment नहीं करना है ।ना ही आपको कुछ भी Loss होगा। ना ही कोई Sales Target है। ओर आप बिल्कुल Free में कर सकते है ।ओर आप हजारों -लाखो कमा सकते है। तो आप इस Post को आखिर तक जरूर पढ़े ओर ज्यादा से ज्यादा Share करो।


Vestige is one of the fastest selling direct selling company in India. The product list of Vestige is increasing day by day. It is trying to make more product better. Many people are very concerned about Vestige business plan. is. In which Vestige income plans are very special.

1.Vestige History.
2.Vestige Company Profile.
3.Our Service.
4.Company Address.
5.Marketing plan.
6.How can you earn.
7.why Vestige.
8.About Vestige.
9.why Choose Vestige Product.
10.How tho join Vestige.
12.Team 3W Review
1.Vestige History

Vestige Company has been in operation since 2004. The company has 3 Directors. Kanwar Bir Singh, Deepak Sood and Gautam Bali.

Gautam Bali, Managing Director of MyVestige, is a popular entrepreneur. According to Vestage, Gautam is also a director of 16 other companies.

Gautam is also known for his Motivational Speech.

In the beginning, Vestige very little product. But now the Vesties product list includes a number of different categories of product including health care, personal care, agriculture and more. Now the company is working on a lot of product.

2.Vestige Company Profile.

The profile of any company is then considered good. When the company is running well. Vestige Company has been in operation for the last 14 years. You can also go to Google and see where the company is from.

3.Our Service.

The company has been giving us very good service for the last 14 years. The company has 350+ products of its own. You can use any product here which is of good quality and you can tell your friends if you do not like any product, you can also return. The company has a branch office everywhere where you You can go and get a lot of information. Here you can buy the product at a very good price.

4.Company Address.
5.Marketing plan.

Marketing Plan is that when you work in any company, then you start earning. When you tell a plan to another friend, you can earn more in that plan, similarly you can do it in vestige.

6.How can you earn.

Daily Use Product-:
You can take income by purchasing the product used at home from Vestige. Have you ever heard that you can also make income by purchasing home products. We are going to tell you everything, you have to read carefully. That how you can earn.

Everyday Product-:
Soap, Toothpaste, Tea, Coffee, Hair Oil, Detergent, Dish Washing Liquid, Health Supplements, Cosmetic, etc.

A shopkeeper has told you that you buy thousands of goods from us every month, so this time for you a thousand rupees on our behalf, did not say no, they cannot do that, we give them money and buy products. And bring it home.

कैसा रहेगा कि अगर आप Daily  प्रयोग में होने वाली चीज़े कोई कंपनी से ले। ओर आप महीने कि 3000 की शॉपिंग करे। ओर आप को 30,000 आने लगे। ओर फिर आपको 3 लाख आने लगे। या आपको 30 लाख आने लगे।आप को बहुत खुशी होगी।आपका मन कर रहा होगा कि आप शॉपिंग करके इतना सारा पैसा आने लगे तो हर इंसान को खुशी होगी। में आपको बताना चाहूंगा की आपको बस खरीदना है। बेचना नहीं है।बेचना हमारा खुद का डिसीजन है।अगर आपका मन हो तो आप बेच सकते है।अगर आपका मन नहीं है बेचने का तो आप सिर्फ खरीद सकते हे।

ALSO READ ::  Leadership Conclave In Vestige

अब आप सोच रहे होगे कि आप पैसा कैसे कमा सकते है। अभी में आपको सब बताने जा रहा हूं।अगर पैसा जेनरेट किया जा सकता है था डिस्ट्रीब्यूट भी किया जा सकता है।

A company manufactures any product for 40 rupees. By coming to us it becomes 100 rupees, because this money goes to As a Commission.

We know about the product. By watching the advertisement, watching it on TV. Because crores of money is spent among them. Now see that our money is being distributed among all of them. If any product comes to us, then there is a difference in the quality of it. is. No no So why should you give money to these middle men? Now I will talk to you.

Direct Selling Concept के बारे में।Product वहीं 40 में manufacturer होता है।हमको मिलता है 100 में बचता है 60 है। अगर पैसा Generate हो सकता है तो Distribute भी हो सकता है। इन बीच करोड़ों खर्च होते है। वो हम बचाते है।हम किसी भी Prodect को कंपनी से लोगो के बीच पहुंचाते है।ओर पैसा हमको वापिस मिल जाता है।एक Business Plan के द्वारा

Just like you did the Regester by giving an Aadhar Card. And you bought some product. If you like it, you will use it. If you do not like it, you will return it to the company. Then you will get the money back. If you like it, then you will tell your friends and relatives. According to me, they also buy the product. On your own will and you will tell your team how to work. Or you will guide and support. So that they can also tell their friends about this product. Connect with your company.

Average Purchase : RS 3,000/-
Total Turnover : Rs 10,23,000/-
Payout : Rs 1,02,986

And everyone adds 4-4, your team is 341, you become Diamond Director.

And your income becomes 1 lakh.

And you are connected below them, they will get income according to them. On my upline who brought me in business, they will get money.

And your rank will be Diamond Directer.

Now I am telling you that we get Payout cansey.

Performance Bonus : 20%
Director Bonus : 14%
Scheme Fund: 1%
LOB : 15%
Travel Fund : 3%
Car Fund : 5%
House Fund : 3%

7 Types of Income

1. Retail Profit 10% – 20%.
2. Accumulative performance.
Bonus 5% – 20%.
3. Director Bonus – 14%.
4. Leadership overriding bonus- 15%.
5. Travel fund – 3%.
6. Car fund – 5%.
7. House fund – 3%
1.Retail Profit 10% – 20%

Every vestige product has Distributor price and MRP price. The  Distributor price is 10% to 20% lesser than MRP price. If we sell products to some other persons. We will get a retail profit.

2.Accumulative performance Bonus 5% – 20%

Every month a vestige distributor and his team purchase products. This purchasing is calculated by point. One point value(PV) is Rs.27 (approximate). The accumulative performance bonus is calculated as following method. The old points  are added every month with the new points. This is called accumulative.

1 PV – 500 PV = 5%
501 PV – 2000 PV = 8%
2001 PV – 4500 PV = 11%
4501 PV – 7500 PV = 14%
7501 PV – 10000 PV = 17%
10001 PV and more = 20%

I am going to tell you how much income you have, how can you withdraw.

You started the work by putting an ID in the company.

If you applied 3000 rupees then you got 100. In the same way, the 3rd person has put the ID below you, the 3 ID of 3000-3000

Total PV 100 + 100 + 100 + 100 = 400 PV


400 PV × 18 = 7200
If you make 5% of 7200, then your income is 360 Rs.

In this way, you can withdraw your income from Pv and Bv.

3.Director Bonus.

Once the distributor reached 10001PV he became a Director. In this level company gives 14% as director bonus.

4.Leadership overriding bonus.

After reaching the Director level, if our team performance is more than 5650 PV, the company gives us the Leadership override bonus.

5.Travel Fund

If one of your down line reached the director level, you will become a Silver Director. In this position the company gives you the 3% Travel fund.

6.Car Fund.

If any 3 of your down lines reached the director level, you will become a Star director. In this position the company gives you the 5% Car fund.

7.House Fund

If your 6 down lines reached director level, you will become a Crown Director. In this position the company gives you 3% house fund.

This is the 7 types of income given by vestige. If a ordinary person started to do vestige business and follow the company system, he will become a millionaire within a year and also he will buy a luxury car and own house very soon.

Now we are talking. A few things about Vestige|

When I talk about Network Marketing, it has become a negative thing. It is said that the company comes and goes after looting the money. But it is not so. No industry is spoiled. Just 1-2 companies do wrong things. The name gets spoiled. Not many people It is known that 40% of the people in the world only become rich by this. We are talking about Network Marketing.

There are more than 3 lakh companies in India. Of which 300 companies are good because they have registered with IDSA. Meaning of IDSA (Indian Direct Selling Association).

The rest did not come because they knew one day their company was going to be closed. IDSA works. According to the Guideline.World Foundation Direct Selling Association of (WFDSA), it is a very good industry. Out of these 300, 19 are the best company, which has got Regester in IDSA. The rest could not be found.

Rank 2 Turnover.
Rank 1 Payout.

Highest Payout 1 Cr 68 Lakh.

Worldwide 63.

Our target is 15 in terms of rank.

7.why Vestige?

Why should you Vestige, why not 18 other companies.

we aim to.

Be Your Own Boss.

And this is an Indian company.

We also do not want to promote the company of any other country but, our vestige is the company of our country. And this company has been running for 14 years. And also a trustworthy company.

8.About Vestige.

Vestige Marketing Pvt. Ltd, which started its operations in the year 2004 from India, is now becoming a leading global direct sales company in world class wellness products. … Westies is an ISO 9001-2015 certified company and believes in providing world class service levels to all its customers.

Started in 2004 in Okhla, New Delhi
Ist Year’s turnover: 127 Crore
This Year’s Turnover: 1800 Crore
3 Manufacturer Units in Himachal Pradesh

When the company started in 2004. Then the company had.

In 2004
2 Products, 2 offices, 6 people were associated with the company.

but today
350+ Products
(FMCG Products, Cosmetic, Groceries)

Best Deal App

60+ Branch Offices, 4500 + DLCPs

At present, 16 million people have joined the company.

Vestige Company India, Bahrain, Bangladesh etc. are present in all these companies. And next year 20 more will start in the country.

And currently in the company
500+ Dream Car Achievers.
7000+ Mid Segment Car is Achievers.
40,000+ People: Earning Rs 1 Lac to 60 Lac.
2,00,000+ People: are earning Rs 10,000 to 1 Lac.

9.Why Choose Vestige Product

Why to take product from Vestige itself. We see the product by 2 things. First is Quality and second is Price.

If we talk about quality then we have:

All these have certificates that justify the quality of the product. And the company also offers a 30-day Money Back Guarantee with it. If you do not like the product, then you can use it and return it, you will get all your money.

ALSO READ ::  Vestige vs Modicare

The company has given Money Back Guarantee because the company has complete confidence in its product. In the end, let me tell you that you get a discount of 10% to 20% on every product and. We get PV and BV on every product.

The company also gives you Consistency offer. Consistency offer is this.

If you buy 3000 products for 4 months continuously. So the company will give you a product of 2500 rupees for 5 months free.

10.How tho join Vestige.

Vestige is the first number 1 company in India to do direct selling, in which you can make millions of income without investing, first of all you need a sponsor to join Vestige and if you want to join, then on other branches of Vestige You can go and contact, no money is charged for joining. There should be no problem in submitting the application, so you have to fill a form and it is necessary to give a copy of your Aadhaar card.

Vestige Online Joining is free. After receiving the Vestige Id and Password, you can start your business. To join, just fill the form given below. By doing this, you will be joining Vestige.

If you want to work in Vestige Marketing Private Limited (Vestige) then contact us. The number of our team members is increasing day by day in India. You can work in India or abroad wherever Vestige company has reached. You just need to contact us for this. We will teach you how work is done in the Westies and how millions of rupees are earned from it. The future of Network Marketing is very bright in India.

There was a process that you can create an ID by going to the website or going to the branch, or you can make it, now I am going to tell you the other way.

1. First of all you have to go to the Play Store where you have to type vestige.

When you download the app, you will come to 2 Option.

1.Sign in.

2.Sign Up.

Now you have to click on Sign Up. Because you are creating ID for the first time.

As you click on Sign Up then you will have a Forum open. Where to put your details

In this way, you can create your ID by entering your details. After creating the ID, you will get a message on your phone with which you can login. You can see the Vestige store near you in the app and you can make a purchase.


Q1. Does Vestige take Any Joining Fess?
Ans. No

Q2. 30 Pv Purchase Compulsory In Vestige?
Ans. Yes Every Direct Seller has to make a purchase of a minimum of 30 Pv. After 30 Pv purchase , one can Start Doing the Vestige Business.

Q3. There is any Vestige Product return Policy?
Ans.Every Direct Seller can Return Vestige Product within 30 days.

Q4. Vestige is illegal and Fraud?
Ans.Vestige us a legal MLM Company.

Q5. Vestige is an Indian Company?
Ans. Yes. Vestige Is an Indian MLM Company, started by Kanwar Bir Singh,Deepak Sood,and Gautam Bali in the year 2004.

Q6. Should I join Vestige or not?
Ans.if you Want to start MLM Business , then Vestige is a great option in India,but MLM is not everyone cup of tea. 99.96 MLM participate Lose their money.

12.Team 3W Review

Friends now talk about the Vestige company. We have reviewed the company and known about the company. Who is already in the company. We asked how the company is. We asked about the product. So a lot of points came up. He joined everyone and told that the company is very good. The company has been in operation for 16 years. So friends, the company is good, you should join the company.

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