Flavon Full Business Plan

Welcome to the Flavon max Club!
The Flavon max Club concept has, in just 11 years, become a lifestyle for hundreds of thousands of people.
The basic pillar of the concept is nothing more than a healthy, successful, challenging life, full of freedom
and rich in personal development.
The Flavon product family has been on the market since 2004, and since then more than 2,5 million jars of
Flavon product have reached more than 32 countries all over the world. The Flavon Group is a professionally managed company owned by one family. The older members of the family are László Gaál and Johanna
Sziklás: their network marketing and entrepreneur experience gained over several decades have carried the
company to success. László Gaál Junior was born into the spirit of the company and network marketing; he
represents the Y generation’s receptiveness to innovation. We can rightly say that thanks to our experience,
expertise and dedication the company management is both eff ective and intergenerational.
Over the last 11 years the 300,000 Members who have joined us worldwide, the 13 billion HUF
commission we have paid back and the thousands of new entrants every month are clear evidence of how
many people are benefi ting and to what extent, thanks to Flavon.
In addition to the ever-growing demand, the excellence of the product family is mostly proven by the more
than 30 professional awards received so far. We are proud that the Flavon Group and Flavon products
have been recognized by such prestigious awards as, for example, the Business Superbrands Hungary
2013/2014/2015, the European Business Awards 2011 & 2012/13 & 2015/16, the Monde Selection Grand Gold
award (2012/2014/2015) and the Hungarian Product Award 2011/2014/2015.
Health, success, recognition – that is what Flavon max Club gives you
Realize your dreams, live healthily!

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Our slogan for a goal: Health and Success

The dietary supplements distributed by Flavon Group Kft. are natural products that help to develop a balanced
diet rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants and supplement our nutrition. We have created a novel way to
supplement our diet that is simple to use and meets the needs of the 21st century.
Success is part of health. It is also part of our success to pursue activities that are benefi cial for others as well
as achieving our own goals. To achieve all this we usually have to change something in our lifestyles: we have
to pay more attention to both our physical and mental nourishment, the harmony of our emotional life and
our family. Successful and productive work can be achieved by our members only if they have faith in our
company, which operates in the background, providing products that work, and in the business opportunity
that gives them financial independence and above all if they believe in themselves and the importance of the
value-creating activity they pursue. Our business can off er everything that any other business can provide,
yet you do not need any starting capital and there is no risk at all. This is an opportunity for anyone who is
able and willing to take all the necessary steps to improve their life!

The brand in numbers

In 2015 the Flavon product family was extended to include eight members. The pioneering Flavon
max was followed by Flavon kids, produced primarily for children, and our first premium product,
Flavon max Plus+. Flavon Green, which revolutionized vegetable consumption, was launched in 2008,
followed two years later by Flavon Active, which off ers an answer to the challenges of our modern,
fast-paced life. In 2012, with the older generation in mind, we developed Flavon Protect, and then we
created Flavon Green+ which was based on Flavon Green and designed to reach a broader circle of
consumers. Our newest product is the exciting Flavon Joy, made with revolutionary ingredients, which
has triggered unprecedented attention even before appearing on the market.
Flavon products have been key participants in the domestic diet supplements market for 11
years now. The Flavon Group, which distributes the products through the MLM system, ensures
a stable background to its distributors and consumers as well contributing in this way to the
healthier and more successful life of Members.
Since 2007 the Flavon Group has received more than 30 diff erent awards on both the domestic
and international stage for its products, business model and outstanding corporate operation.

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The Flavon brand enhances Hungary’s reputation in 32 countries worldwide through its dietary
supplements. The value and quality represented by Flavon brand is recognized all around the
WHO recommends consumption of 40 dkg of fruit and vegetables every day. The Flavon
product family builds on this simple – but in health terms important – need, in order to help
a health-conscious diet.
The Flavon brand and GéSz Gaál és Sziklás Kft, the company responsible for manufacturing,
and Flavon Group Kft., responsible for the distribution are 100% Hungarian owned; László
Gaál and his wife Johanna Sziklás are the founding owners.

We are proud that in 2015 the Flavon products’ consumer network has more than 300.000 registered
members from all over the world.

We believe that there are a great many “natural miracles” in Hungary and in the surrounding region,
which are able to provide us with several essential active agents that are necessary for the normal
and healthy functioning of our body.
The plants used in our products as raw materials have been known and used in folk medicine for
hundreds of years. We revive these age-old experiences, revitalizing them in line with the results of
modern research. When creating our products, we have taken into account the needs and demands of
people of today so that we can give the maximum to our consumers.

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