Fast Level Start In Vestige

में आपका स्वागत है।आज की इस पोस्ट में हम आपको बताने जा रहे है। Vestige Fast Level के बारे में अक्सर पूछे जाने वाले Question। अगर आप भी Vestige Join करना चाहते है ओर Fast Level के बारे में अधिक जानकारी पाना चाहते है। तो आप बिल्कुल सही पोस्ट पड़ रहे है।ओर आप के बहुत सारे Doubts आपके यहां Clear होने वाले है। ओर आप Fast Level केसे पूरा कर सकते है। आपको यहां बहुत सारी जानकारी मिलेगी।

Fast Start 8% level in Vestige

Hello Friends, today, I will tell you about fast start 8% level in vestige. This post will help you to understand:

a)What is fast start in vestige?

Friends, the very first day when w

e join Vestige, we are at 5% level. this is the initial level in vestige for all the new members. To achieve the next level i.e. 8% level, your cumulative Point value should be more than 500 PV. 

Note-: आप Start 5% से करते है। ओर आप धीरे धीरे आगे बढ़ते है।

But, “If you complete 282PV in a single month, directly you will reach 8% level”.

b) what are the benefits:
  1. You will get a product voucher for Rs. 750/- as a gift.
  2. You will get a recognition in front of some well-known dignities of vestige.
  3. You will be honored with a trophy and a surprise gift from us.
  4. Usually, to reach 8% level, we have to complete cumulative PV more than 500PV which is approx. equivalent to Rs.15000/-. It means you will get only 5% bonus for your purchasing  worth15000/-.However, if you achieve fast start 8% by completing 282PV in a single month which is equivalent to approx. Rs. 9500/- only, you will get 8% bonus for the difference amount as well (15000-9500=5500/-) So, you earn extra money in terms of savings as well.
  5. You will be upgraded at 8% level. Therefore, you will get 3% bonus from the purchase of your 5% level downline’s for the 1st time.
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c) How to achieve fast start 8% level :

 Very easy ways: either you do self-purchasing for total 282PV or you can complete 282PV with your downline in a single month.

आज हम आपको बताने जा रहे है आप कैसे Level 8 पूरा कर सकते है। ओर इसके लिए आपको किन बात को ध्यान में रख कर आप Vestige में काम कर सकतें है।
1st Formula

2nd Formula

3rd Formula

4th Formula

(d)How to get fast start voucher ?

If you complete 282PV in a single month, then you will get your fast start voucher of Rs. 750/- before 15th of next month. In vestige app, login with your distributor ID and password, go to voucher, go to Product voucher. You will see voucher no 75Hxxxxxxxxx with validity around 1 year. This is your fast start voucher. You can visit any DLCP/DCC, show this voucher number to use it.

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