Hello Friends Welcome to Free Mlm. In today's post, we are going to tell you what is the Tirus Plan. If you also want to join Tirus Plan and want to get more information about it, then you are reading exactly the right post because at the same time you will also know how to understand Tirus Plan.

What is Tirus Plan in Free Mlm. You will also be able to know through this post, we will explain it to you in very easy language, hope that you will definitely like the information about our today's post Tirus Plan, similarly you will like every post that comes on our blog even further. Kept doing

Tirus Full Business Plan

2.Why Choose.
3.Company Product.
5.Company Address.
6.Joining Amount.
7.How To Join.
8.Types Of Income.
9.Contact Us.
10.Legal Documents.
11.Terms & Condition.

1. About.

The company Tirus was founded by professional investors who clearly understand the concept of diversification which means the spreading of monetary investments among several investment instruments and thus ensuring high security of the invested funds.
Many years of experience and successful work withinthe investment market allowed Tirus to create a portfolio of investment instruments that will help all those interested in fund investing to become a real investor and to gain financial stability and freedom.

2. Why Choose.

If you’re looking to invest in one of the most comprehensive, robust, and diverse investment portfolios in Switzerland, look no further, because when you choose to make an investment with Tirus, you’re not just making any old investment – you’re making one that’s guaranteed to bring you a real return.

3. Company Product.

Our Portfolio:
1.Moscow and Turkey Real Estate.
3.IT Investments.
4.IT projects and Start Ups.
5.Health Products.


The company is giving us very good service, if you take any product from here, then the company is giving you the product instead and you are giving the company product to you in different fields here.

5. Company Address.

The company is registered in Russia and has been running successfully since 2016.

6.Joining Amount.

💲35 dollars you can start work here, and you can start earning good from here, if you make a team here, you can earn more.

7.How To Join.

You can join by clicking on the link given below.

Or you can get information about the plan by calling 9855439889.

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How to register
1.By clicking the link.
2.Click sign up.
3.Enter Mobile Number.
4.Enter email.
5.Enter Password – Confirm Password.
6.Pin code – enter any 5 digit number.
7.Last Submit.
Your account has been created
After this, open your email and verify the link that came from Bot.

8.Types Of Income.

We are telling you the business plan of the company, how you can understand the plan and how you can start working.
       (3.1)Total Income.
You can start work here for $35
 BTC, PERFECT MONEY  You can take your money.
Work by adding just 2 people and you will get this great income again and again… Lifetime.
Ring Entry

1. Ring 1 Entry :- $35.
2. Ring 2 Entry :- $105.
3. Ring 3 Entry :- $50.
4. Ring 4 Entry :- $150.
5. Ring 5 Entry :- $300.
6. Ring 6 Entry :- $900.
7. Ring 7 Entry :- $1500.
8. Ring 8 Entry :- $4500.
9. Ring 9 Entry :- $9000.
10. Ring 10 Entry :- $27000.

Ring 1

Ring 1 Investment = $35

Total Members = 4

a.You will get $35 from A member
b.You will get $35 from B member.
c.You will get $35 from C member.
d.You will get $35 from D member.

Total Reward = $105

Note -: You cannot withdraw on the first Ring.

Ring 2

Ring 2 Investment = $105

Total Members = 4

a.You will get $105 from A member
b.You will get $105 from B member.
c.You will get $105 from C member.
d.You will get $105 from D member.

Total Reward = $315

Ring Purchase $50

Re -Purchase $35

Note -: You can withdraw on the first Ring $230.

Ring 3

Ring 3 Investment = $50

Total Members = 4

a.You will get $50 from A member
b.You will get $50 from B member.
c.You will get $50 from C member.
d.You will get $50 from D member.

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Total Reward = $150

Note -: You cannot withdraw on the first Ring.

Ring 4

Ring 4 Investment = $150

Total Members = 4

a.You will get $150 from A member
b.You will get $150 from B member.
c.You will get $150 from C member.
d.You will get $150 from D member.

Total Reward = $450

Ring Purchase $300

Re -Purchase $50

Note -: You can withdraw on the first Ring $100.

Ring 5

Ring 5 Investment = $300

Total Members = 4

a.You will get $300 from A member
b.You will get $300 from B member.
c.You will get $300 from C member.
d.You will get $300 from D member.

Total Reward = $900

Note -: You cannot withdraw on the first Ring.

Ring 6

Ring 6 Investment = $900

Total Members = 4

a.You will get $900 from A member
b.You will get $900 from B member.
c.You will get $900 from C member.
d.You will get $900 from D member.

Total Reward = $2700

Ring Purchase $1500

Re -Purchase $300

Note -: You can withdraw on the first Ring $900.

Ring 7

Ring 7 Investment = $1500

Total Members = 4

a.You will get $1500 from A member
b.You will get $1500 from B member.
c.You will get $1500 from C member.
d.You will get $1500 from D member.

Total Reward = $4500

Note -: You cannot withdraw on the first Ring.

Ring 8

Ring 8 Investment = $4500

Total Members = 4

a.You will get $4500 from A member
b.You will get $4500 from B member.
c.You will get $4500 from C member.
d.You will get $4500 from D member.

Total Reward = $13,500

Ring Purchase $9000

Re -Purchase $1500

Note -: You can withdraw on the first Ring $3000

Ring 9

Ring 9 Investment = $9000

Total Members = 4

a.You will get $9000 from A member
b.You will get $9000 from B member.
c.You will get $9000 from C member.
d.You will get $9000 from D member.

Total Reward = $27,000

Note -: You cannot withdraw on the first Ring.

Ring 10

Ring 10 Investment = $27,000

Total Members = 4

a.You will get $27,000 from A member
b.You will get $27,000 from B member.
c.You will get $27,000 from C member.
d.You will get $27,000 from D member.

Total Reward = $81,000

Ring Purchase $900

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Note -: You can withdraw on the first Ring $72,000

(3.1) Total Income.
$ 76230 will be received repeatedly.
Here is a package of 4 packages from where you will get income up to 5 levels.
Level 1 :- 3%
Level 2 :- 2%
Level 3 :- 2%
Level 4 :- 1%
Level 5 :- 1%
1.$100, AppleiPhone, WorldTour.
2.Diamond Ring, Apple Mac book, Car.
3. Gold Bracelet, Gold Watch, Apartment.
4.Tour, Mercedes Car, House.

9.Contact Us.

10.Legal Documents.

Документы компании Tirus

11.Terms & Condition.

1. Your ID will be active with 10 $.
2. The company will give you a Payment Bank Account.
3. You will get your money in 1 to 2 days.
4. You have to direct 1 for level income or else you will not get level income.


So friends, this was our today’s post TIRUS Plan? Hope you have understood everything about TIRUS Plan very well if you have liked our post today, then do let us know by commenting in the Comment Box.

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