Sisel Full Business Plan

Our extraordinary Compensation Plan offers many unique and rewarding opportunities for novice and seasoned Distributors alike. Our 8 profit centers offer easy daily and monthly payouts that include special bonuses and incentives.

8 high-paying profit centers all in one!


2.Direct Commission PROFIT CENTER

3. Infinity Bonus PROFIT CENTER

4. Auto/Lifestyle Bonus

5. Infinity Bonus.

6. Retail Commission

7. Master Check Match .

8. Wealth Building System.

Sisel International’s Master Ranks Ranks

are calculated monthly according to your Personal Volume (PV) qualification and your Qualified Downline Volume (QDV). Ranks 2-Star and beyond also include a 1-Star Leadership Requirement on different legs as shown. The leaders in your downline fulfilling this requirement do not need to be frontline or personally enrolled but do need to be on different legs. All commissions are generated off the Bonus Volume (BV) of an order

Fast Start Bonus (FSB) (Paid Daily)

Infinity Bonus (Paid Monthly)

Provides the opportunity for potentially limitless earnings on your
organization as deep as it could
possibly be built.
Designed to provide a valuable
incentive for successful Leaders
to continue building their organizations, incentivizing them to
develop new leaders through all
levels of their organizations.
Paying on all qualifying legs,
beginning on the 8th level and
continues indefinitely or until
a Master Distributor in your
downline of equal or higher rank
qualifies to be paid the Bonus.
In the event that a Master Distributor of lower rank in your downline also qualifies to receive the
Infinity Bonus, the bonus will be
shared on that leg.
If a 3-Star Master Distributor or
above, of equal or higher rank
than you in your downline, qualifies to receive the Infinity Bonus,
your Infinity Bonus on that leg
will continue through the 7th, 8th, or 9th level of that distributor, depending on your rank.

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Master Check Match (Paid Monthly)

The MCM pays you a percentage of the unilevel commissions (commissions from Distributors and Preferred Customers within the 7 placement
levels) earned by 1-Star Master Distributors and above in your downline, following the Enrollment Sponsor linkage. All of your Personally Enrolled
1-Star Master Distributors and above is the group Sisel identifies as your Generation 1. All of the 1-Star Master Distributors and above enrolled by
Generation 1 is your Generation 2, so on and so forth. All 1-Star Masters qualify for a 10% match on Gen1; 2-Star Masters qualify for 10% Gen1,
and 5% Gen2; 3-Star Masters qualify for 10% Gen1, 5% Gen2, and 3% Gen3; 4-Star Masters qualify for 10% Gen1, 5% Gen2, and 5% Gen3;
5-Star Masters and above qualify for 10% Gen1, 5% Gen2, 5% Gen3, and 5% on Gen4. With compression the payout will continue to roll up
until it finds the next eligible 1-Star Master or higher! There is no cap on how large each Generation can be or on how much you can earn from the

An extra reward as you advance in rank through Recruiting,
Selling, and Retaining.
There are no time limits or restraints to earn the Rank Advancement Bonus (RAB)! This will allow you to grow at your
own pace and still reap the rewards as you build a strong,
stable, team!
Once you are able to maintain the rank needed for you to earn
the RAB for 3 consecutive months you will be paid the RAB
for that Rank in the 4th month, with monthly commissions.
Master and Master Builder ranks will be paid the same month
you qualify.
For Ranks 8-Star, 9-Star, and 10-Star the RAB will be split
into multiple payments. You must maintain the rank to earn all
payouts, with a one month grace period that may be applied if
necessary. 8-Star RAB will be split into three equal payments,
9-Star RAB into four equal payments, and 10-Star RAB into six
equal payments.
For distributors who enrolled prior to October 1st, 2017, the
starting point will be determined by their average QDV from
July, August, and September 2017. If their QDV is within 50%
of the way to the next rank they will need to go to the next
rank after that and then maintain for 3 months in order to get
the bonus. Again, there is no time limit. Rank Advancement for
each position can only be paid out once for any given rank.

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