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A New and Unique Concept
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Leader Name: United Arab Emirates
? 2% Daily Return of Investment for 200 days
(Total Profit – 400%)
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Investment Options
Minimum – ₹ 500 Maximum – 100000
1000 :- 20×200 = 4000/-
2000 :- 40×200 = 8000/-
5000 :- 100x200 = 20000/-
10000 :- 200×200 = 40000/-
20000 :- 400×200 = 80000/-
50000 :- 1000×200 = 200000/-
100000 :- 2000×200 = 400000/-
??Double Your Investment In 100 Days only
?? Investment Plan
1:Investment Rs-5000
Daily ROI 100 ₹
For 200Day =20000
Total Return 400%
2: Investment- 10000
Daily ROI 200₹
For 200day=40000
Total Return 400%
Term & Condition:
Registration is free.
You can do Multiple Investment with multiple ids
Direct Referral Bonus 10%
Level income 2 to 25 = 25%
Minimum 250 ₹BB Withdrawal
Withdrawal – Monday to Friday – daily. Widrall time 11 to 5
Withdraw Fee – Admin 15% charge 2000 I’d ho gaya hai 1 month me start kare