हैलो दोस्तों Free Mlm में आपका स्वागत है। आज की इस पोस्ट में हम आपको बताने जा रहे की KALSHYAN क्या है। अगर आप भी ज्वाइन करना चाहते है और इसके के बारे में अधिक जानकारी पाना चाहते है तो आप बिल्कुल ठीक पोस्ट पढ़ रहे है क्योंकि इसके साथ ही आप यह भी जानेंगे की इस प्लान अच्छे से कैसे समझ सकते है।

यह प्लान क्या है और केसे काम करता हैं यह भी आप इस पोस्ट के माध्यम से जान पाएंगे हम आपको यह बिल्कुल आसान भाषा में समझाएँगे आशा करते है की आपको हमारी आज की पोस्ट में दी गयी जानकारी जरूर पसंद आएगी इसी तरह आप आगे भी हमारे ब्लॉग पर आने वाली प्रत्येक पोस्ट को पसंद करते रहे ।

आप अपना MLM Plan बिल्कुल Free में Promote कर सकते हे।बिल्कुल Free में नीचे दिए गए Video आप देख सकते हे की आप अपना Plan कैसे Promote कर सकते है।







About Us

We believes in empowering its members with the opportunity to lead their lives on their own terms. With the motto of spreading Wealth,i.e spreading wealth through wellness and goodness, Kalshyan Group has continued to enrich the lives of everyone who is a part of the company and those who believe in its products.


Our Speciality

We Are Just Not Only A Brand We Are Working For Our Country’s Development And That’s The Reason.Our Most Products Have Been Produced Directly By The Farmers Of Adopted Villages And We Also Working For Better India With Full Of Employment

Business Plan

  • All the commissions will be calculated based on the current month’s sales PV and using the income formula it will be converted in to BV
  • The BVs of Individual Distributor are then converted in to commission in rupees, BV Ratio is 1 BV = Rs.19 (this ratio is subject to change according to how the company sees it fit, the change in the ratio will be announced by the company before a reasonable period of it’s effective date)
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Execution Bonus
  • Company will distribute 25% of monthly PV as commission for Execution Bonus Income
  • There will be several income slabs (% levels) for this income
  • The min – max requirements (qualifying criteria) is on accumulated basis
  • The commission will be distributed as per the current payment cycle’s business (in terms of PV)
  • The commission will be distributed according to gap between the distributor’s income level and his/her downline’s income level
#RankPV minPV max% level
4Senior Distributor3001500015%
5Senior Distributor5001800018%
6Super Distributor80011000021%
7Achiever10001 25%
  • Income Example :
    • Let’s assume there is a distributor A and has 2 downlines B & C
    • A is at 18% achievement slab
    • B is at 12% achievement slab
    • C is at 9% achievement slab
  • In a given month Distributor A self purchase products worth 300 PV, From Distributor B’s team total purchase is 1500 PV and from Distributor C’s team total purchase is 1200 PV
  • On 300 PV self purchase Distributor A will get 300 x 18% = 54BV = 54 x BV Ratio (19) = Rs.1026
  • On Distributor B’s team total purchase is 1500 PV; Distributor A will get 1500 x (18% – 12% = 6%) = 90 BV = 90 x BV Ratio (19) = Rs. 1710
  • On Distributor C’s team total purchase is 1200 PV; Distributor A will get 1200 x (18% – 9% = 9%) = 108 BV = 108 x BV Ratio (19) = Rs. 2052
  • Distributor A’s total income here will be 1026 + 1710 + 2052 = Rs. 4788
Achievers Bonus
  • This is computed by a “Point sharing system” Based on the Achiever Bonus points earned by the qualifiers
  • Company will distribute 15% of monthly PV as commission for Achievers and above rank
  • Achievers Bonus Points will be collected as per the table in the next slide
  • ABP Value will be calculated by the formula :

ABP Value =

15% of Company’s monthly PV


Total ABP collected

#RankAchiever GroupsQualification PVQualified Achiever Level – % of PV as Achievers Bonus Points
SPSGPVSelf / SGPV12345678910
2Star Achiever13012016
3Double Star Achiever230801654
4Silver Star Achiever3305016543
5Bright Star Achiever430251654321
6Shining Star Achiever630654321
7Pearl Star Achiever8306543210.5
8Platinum Star Achiever10306543210.50.5
9Royal Star Achiever12306543210.50.50.5
10Royal Shining Star Achiever15306543210.
11Prime Star Achiever18+306543210.
Leadership Bonus
  • Company will distribute 15% of monthly PV as commission for certain level of Achievers and above rank
  • Criteria for being eligible for Leadership Bonus will be minimum 2000 GPV and 30 SP
  • Leadership Bonus Points (LB Points) will be same as Achievers Bonus Points
  • LBP Value will be calculated by the formula :

15% of Company’s monthly PV

Total LBP collected

Commission for individual distributors will be calculated by the formula :Commission = Collected LBP x LBP Value x BV ratio

Car Fund
  • Company will distribute 4% of monthly PV as commission as Car Fund
  • Qualifying Condition for Car Fund is that the distributor must be of the rank Shining Star Achiever or higher and he/she must have fulfilled the criteria to earn Achievers Bonus according to his/her rank in the given month
  • Car Fund Points (CF Points) will be same as Achievers Bonus Points
  • CFP Value will be calculated by the formula :

4% of Company’s monthly PV

Total CFP collected

Commission for individual distributors will be calculated by the formula:Commission = Collected CFP x CFP Value x BV ratio

Travel Fund
  • Company will distribute 3% of monthly PV as commission as Travel Fund
  • Qualifying Condition for Travel Fund is that the distributor must be of the rank Silver Star Achiever or higher and he/she must have fulfilled the criteria to earn Achievers Bonus according to his/her rank in the given month
  • Travel Fund Points (TF Points) will be same as Achievers Bonus Points
  • TFP Value will be calculated by the formula :
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3% of Company’s monthly PV

Total TFP collected

Commission for individual distributors will be calculated by the formula :Commission = Collected TFP x TFP Value x BV ratio

House Fund
  • Company will distribute 3% of monthly PV as commission as House Fund
  • Qualifying Condition for House Fund is that the distributor must be of the rank Platinum Star Achiever or higher and he/she must have fulfilled the criteria to earn Achievers Bonus according to his/her rank in the given month
  • House Fund Points (HF Points) will be same as Achievers Bonus Points
  • HFP Value will be calculated by the formula :

3% of Company’s monthly PV

Total HFP collected

Commission for individual distributors will be calculated by the formula :Commission = Collected HFP x HFP Value x BV ratio


Company Website :- www.kalshyangroup.com


तो दोस्तों यह थी हमारी आज की पोस्ट |आशा करते है की आपको इस प्लान के बारे में सब कुछ अच्छे से समझ में आ गया होगा अगर आपको हमारी आज की पोस्ट पसंद आई हो तो हमें Comment Box में Comment करके ज़रूर बताएं।
अगर आपको कोई भी परेशानी हो तो हमें ज़रूर बताएं हमारी Team आपकी समस्या को हल करने का पूरा प्रयास करेंगे अगर आपको हमारी पोस्ट पसंद आई हो तो अपने दोस्तों के साथ इसे ज़रूर Share करे ताकी वे भी इस प्लान की पूरी जानकारी ले सके।
अगर आप चाहते है की आपको हमारी इस पोस्ट के माध्यम से और अधिक जानकारी मिले तो आप हमें बता सकते है हम कोशिश करेंगे की आपको इस तरह की और पोस्ट के बारे में पढ़ने को मिले इसके साथ ही आपको हमारी पोस्ट को Like और Share करते रहना होगा।

दोस्तों अगर आप हमारी Website के Latest Update पाना चाहते है तो हमारी Free Mlm के Notifications को Subscribe करना ना भूले इससे आपको हमारी आने वाली New पोस्ट के Latest Updates मिलते रहेंगे तो Friends आज के लिए बस इतना ही फिर मिलेंगे आपसे तब के लिए अलविदा आपका दिन मंगलमय रहे।

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अगर आप अपने प्लान को India के हर कोने में पहुंचाना चाहते है।और अगर आपके पास टीम नहीं हे तो आज ही आप हमको whatsapp कर सकते हे अधिक जानकारी के लिए आप आज ही हम को whatsapp 9369103508 पर करें|

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