iAdvotis Full Business Plan

Status of CPSL Electronic Plan – Not Paying Right Now
Payment Gateway – INR Indian Bank
Minimum Investment – 4,000
Minimum Withdrawal – INR 500 (manual withdrawal)

About iAdvotis Plan ?

iAdvotis is a Health and herbal products Sales and Marketing Company Head Office in Mumbai, Maharashtra, Indian and branch office all over India.

We provide our customers with high-quality products by promoting the items described above to popularize the concept of Customer-Oriented and Improvement of Production Quality, based on the following managerial visions: Retain the original technology to aim at being Development-focused Company- which provides the world with own brand products, Provides the satisfactory products to customers.

We use the concept of Network Marketing OR it can be said as multi-level marketing (MLM). In short Binary Concept.

Many companies with vast product range are competing against each other to become a public company but the consumer does not get any benefit in terms of immediate return or long term return.


  • You get health and herbal Product Item on all the investment package
  • You get GST Paid Invoice
  • ROI (Daily ROI) payable from Monday to Friday
  • Payments Auto withdrawal directly in Bank Account
  • ID upgrade is valid till 10 days from the date of activation
  • ID to ID Fund Transfer facility available
  • Daily ROI Income :- No Deduction
  • Direct Royalty income :- 10% Deduction
  • Binary Income :- 15% Deduction
  • You get complete promotional material after activation of your ID
  • Product delivered within 5-7 days
  • Payout will be automatic on daily basis and minimum payout is Rs 500/-
  • Company will add shipping charges for Product delivery according to courier services.

iAdvotis Plans & Packages :

Company offers (Five) types Business Plan with their simple Referral and Earn Program. Each package have their own benefits as per details below : –

iadvotis basic

Basic :

Joining Amount : ₹4,000/

Daily Income : 1% Daily ROI 200 days

Product : Rose Almond Honey Scrub.

Principal + Profit : ₹8,000/-

Binary Capping : Daily ₹7,000/-

Bronze :

Joining Amount : ₹10,000/

Daily Income : 1% Daily ROI 200 days

Product : Anti-Ageing Body Butter + Soap

Principal + Profit : ₹20,000/-

Binary Capping : Daily ₹15,000/-

iadvotis bronze


Silver :

Joining Amount : ₹25,000/

Daily Income : 1% Daily ROI 200 days

Product : Saffron Almond Scrub + Anti Ageing

Principal + Profit : ₹50,000/-

Binary Capping : Daily ₹30,000/-

Gold :

Joining Amount : ₹62,000/

Daily Income : 1% Daily ROI 200 days

Product : Bedtime Night Cream + Saffron Almond Acrub + Soap

Principal + Profit : ₹1,24,000/-

Binary Capping : Daily ₹70,000/-

iadvotis gold

iadvotis diamond

Diamond :

Joining Amount : ₹90,000/

Daily Income : 1% Daily ROI 200 days

Product : Green Tea + Night Cream + Saffron Scrub + Anti-Ageing Body Butter + Soap

Principal + Profit : ₹1,80,000/-

Binary Capping : Daily ₹1,00,000/-

iAdvotis Plan Offers 05 (Five) Types of Income :

(1) Daily ROI Income :

After joining any Package of iAdvotis Plan, in additional Health and herbal Product you get – you will get 1% Daily ROI for daily of purchase of Packages.

(2) Direct Royalty Income Income :
Sr. NoPackageDirect Royalty Per IdTill Months
1.4,000 INR200 INR10
2.10,000 INR500 INR11
3.25,000 INR1500 INR12
4.62,000 INR4000 INR13
5.90,000 INR6300 INR14

You will get 5% as Direct Referral Income, if any person joined directly with your Sponsor ID.

ALSO READ ::  Awanure Full Business Plan

Unlimited Direct Referral allowed and No Capping on this Income

(3) Binary Royalty Income
PackageBinary Capping
Basic (4,000/- INR)7000 INR
Bronze (10,000 INR)15,000 INR
Silver (25,000 INR)30,000 INR
Gold (62,000 INR)70,000 INR
Diamond (90,000 INR)1,00,000 INR

Important Income of this plan is Matching , where you do not have to do anything and you get money automatically.

You get 10% as Matching Bonus of the business value matching on both legs Left and Right side (1:1 ratio unlimited depth). Two direct referral is must.

iadvotis binary income
(4)Pair Royalty Income

Member Will get additional ROI Royalty Bonus for each Left & Right Pairs

Sr. NoNo. Of Pairs on Both SideROI Royalty Bonus
1.15 Pairs0.1 %
2.35 Pairs0.1 %
3.80 Pairs0.1 %
4.170 Pairs0.2 %
5.350 Pairs0.2 %
6.700 Pairs0.3 %

Note:- After 700 pairs matching the Id will get 1 Lac Rupees every month till 12 Months. No Deduction will be Applicable on this income.

(4)Rewards Income

अगर आप कंपनी के लिए खुलकर कार्य करते है और कंपनी को बेहतर Customer देते है तो कंपनी आपको Extra Promotional Rewards देती है |

Legal Documents of iAdvotis Plan

iAdvotis Registration Certificate
iAdvotis Plan
Incorporation Certificate
iAdvotis Plan
iAdvotis Company Master Data
iAdvotis Plan
iAdvotis Pan Card
iAdvotis Plan

iAdvotis Plan Final Review

i-Advotis we believe that to sell a quality product you need to understand it and use it with confidence. We spend lakhs of rupees helping our Business Owners become product and brand ambassadors, enabling them to sell i-Advotis products with conviction and run their businesses effectively.

ALSO READ ::  Dice2Win Full Business Plan

Our Vision and Mission is to become the best Company of the World by touching millions of people around the globe, by providing essential health and herbal products at very reasonable and affordable costs, to help them achieve financial growth.

As per our financial advisor’s estimate, iAdvotis Pvt. Ltd. Will become a limited & public company by next financial year i.e. 2019. Our target is to associate more than 5,00,000 people with us around the globe in the coming 2-3 years.

The business of the Company may be commenced soon after the incorporation of the Company as and when the Directors shall think fit notwithstanding that part of the shares have been allotted.

At i-Advotis we believe that to sell a quality product you need to understand it and use it with confidence. We spend lakhs of rupees helping our Business Owners become product and brand ambassadors, enabling them to sell i-Advotis products with conviction and run their businesses effectively.

i Advotis Plan Direct Royalty income has no limit but the placement of direct royalty Id & packages should be done within 10 Business days of Id activation to avoid lapse of direct royalty income

We have team of people that work so well together, they enhance and even rouse each other to achieve new levels of accomplishment. We work with our customers similarly, as a major aspect of a group that is focused on finding and contracting the ideal individuals at the pace your business requests.

i-Advotis has very new and very unique concept in MLM Industry, where you get health and herbal products of all joining packages and in addition to that, you also get a Daily ROI Income. With this MLM Plan, Company will increase their Sale of Product and increase their Profit and expand their business.

Please join at your own risk that you may lose out on your investment…but you are getting health and herbal Product of your joining Package – Hence, there is very less RISK

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