Gnld opportunity


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With GNLD, every dream is within reach! If you want a beautiful new home, financial independence, and chances to travel internationally, you can earn them.

What Makes GNLD’s Marketing Plan so Exceptional?

Build a long-term asset.

Distributors in GNLD have been in business since 1958 and are passing strong, profitable businesses along to their children and grandchildren.

 No competition.

No other plan offers a higher return on your efforts. There are no limits to how wide or how deep you build your business. Realize immediate profits! You’ll earn profits the minute you share your first product!

 Easy to explain.

People can see how the plan works right away, and how simple it is to make money. You do the work, you get the pay. GNLD’s Marketing Plan promotes strong, consistent growth. Time and energy you invest today become income you can count on month after month, now and for your future. Consistent effort brings consistent rewards.

 Easy to expand internationally.

You can build in more than 50 markets around the world! You may not know someone in a foreign country, but someone you meet will. A global plan makes international expansion easy! Some Distributors currently operate businesses in more than 10 different countries!

You can earn money with your GNLD business the following ways and we are going to simply analyze them.

Firstly, is when you become a distributor and purchase products on a discounted rate. You share these products and earn profits from them as you share.

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Secondly, you can earn up to 25% Sales Volume Bonus (SVB). The more products you and your distributors sell, the more income you make through SVB from GNLD.

Thirdly and most importantly is the Leadership Development Bonus (LDB). When you help other distributors to earn their own top 25% Sales Volume Bonus in their GNLD business, your earning on their volume shifts to LDB. So the more distributors you assist to this position (DIRECTOR), the more you earn.

Finally, you can earn premiums, bonus cash, travel rewards and more through GNLD’s annual sales plan incentives.

To fully understand the GNLD marketing plan, you need to know the meaning of some important terminologies

 PV (Point Value)

PV is a Point Value assigned to each product and is used to qualify for bonuses, recognition and achievements. PV doesn’t change as prices are adjusted. So no matter what the price of an item, the amount of PV which must be sold to attain particular bonus qualifications does not vary from year to year.

 PPV (Personal Point Value )

Personal PV is PV on your Distributor Account and represents the total Point Value of all products that you purchased during the month. 100 PPV is the minimum monthly activity for a Distributor to be eligible to participate in GNLD’s Marketing Plan Bonuses and Incentives.

 QPV (Qualified Point Value)

QPV is a combined PV figure: your Personal PV for the month plus the PV of all the Distributors you’ve sponsored, and that they have sponsored, extending to the next Qualified Director in your downline. Your QPV determines the percentage of Sales Volume Bonus that you qualify to earn each month.


 Qualified Director

Qualified Director is a Distributor who has the Director Title and accumulates at least 4,000 QPV. Qualified Directors earn the 25% “Top of the Chart” Sales Volume Bonus.

Group PV (Group Point Value)

Is your QPV plus the QPV of all Qualified Directors in your first three levels.

 BV(Bonus Volume)

BV is a currency value assigned to each product on which your bonuses are calculated. BV values for each product can be found in the Confidential Distributor Price List. BV changes along with prices and is therefore an inflation-fighting feature. As cost of living and product prices go up over time, so does your income!

Note – BV does not have a fixed relationship to PV for each product. The average ratio for products sold in the United States is approximately $1.60 BV per PV.

SRP (Suggested Retail Price)

Suggested Retail Price is the price GNLD recommends that you use to sell to Retail Customers. Customer Retail Price Lists are available from GNLD.

 DC (Distributor Cost)

Distributor Cost is the wholesale cost of GNLD products to the Distributor. All registered Distributors can purchase product directly from GNLD at Distributor Cost.


Your standing order with GNLD delivered to you automatically each month. Placing a 100PV or more autoship order ensures that you qualify to earn a Sales Volume Bonus each month according to your QPV. Your first 100PV or more autoship order is shipped for free.

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