Glowic Lifecare Full Business Plan in English

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Launching Dhamaka
18/10/20 To 15/11/2020
20,000 Bv Matching Achieve
Shimla Tour 2n/3d

Glowic Lifecare Full Business Plan

1. About.
2. Profile.
3. Our Services.
4. Our Products.
5. Address.
6. Business Plan.
7. Reward.
8. Why Glowic Lifecare Product.
9. Why Glowic Lifecare.
10. Contact Us.
11. Legal Documents.
12. FAQ.
13. Team FREE MLM Rivew.
14. Conclusion

1. About.

Glowic Lifecare India Pvt. Ltd is a Healthier company, Glowic Lifecare India Pvt limited is going to become the largest Direct Selling Company established in Delhi in 2019. Glowic Lifecare India Pvt. The main spirit of limited is to bring back the most modern active Ayurveda in the lives of millions of people worldwide and work towards holistic healing of every person.

Our products Home Care, Personal Care, Health Care.

About Glowic Lifecare India Pvt. Ltd. The company offers a high-quality life-changing product and unique business opportunities. With input from our research and development division and customer feedback, we continuously introduce new products to widen our range.

2. Profile.

The history of Company is New. This company has been running since 2020. Our CMD Mr. Omparkash.
1. Head office at New Delhi.
2. Registered under department of consumer affairs.
3. An ISO 9001::2015 certified company.
4. Registered companies Act 2013.
5. An FSSAI certified Delhi government.
6. Satisfied customers all over India.
7. Highschool product research team.
8. World class product.
9. India one of the fastest growing direct selling company.

3.Our Services.

The company is going to give us very good service. The company has its own 50+ Products. You can use any product here which is of good quality and you can tell your friends if you do not like any product, then you can also return. Here you can get the product in very good price. 

4.Our Products.

You will find many products here that you use at home. If you buy the product from here, you will get Prodouct of good quality. You will get good prices here

5. Address.

6. Business Plan.

This business cone can do it, everyone can do it. You have to buy the goods of your house and you have to tell the people. Neither will you be given a target, nor do you have to sell. You can do this in absolutely free time.

Marketing plan is that when you work in any company, then you start earning. When you tell a plan to another friend, you can earn more in that plan,


Daily Use Product-:
You can buy income from home use product from Glowic Lifecare. Have you ever heard that you can also make income by purchasing home products. We are going to tell you everything, you have to read carefully. That how you can earn.
हर रोज प्रयोग होने वाले Product-:
Soap, Toothpaste,Tea, Coffee,Hair Oil, Detergent,Dish Washing Liquid,Health Supplements, Cosmetic,etc.
A shopkeeper has told you that you buy thousands of goods from us every month, so this time for you a thousand rupees on our behalf, did not say no, they cannot do that, we give them money and buy the product. And bring it home.
How would it be if you take daily things from a company. And you should shop 3000 for the month. And 30,000 started coming to you. And then you started getting 3 lakhs. Or you will start getting 30 lakhs. You will be very happy. You must be thinking that you will be happy if you start shopping so much money. I would like to tell you that you just have to buy. Do not sell. Sell is our own decision. If you want to sell, you can sell. If you do not have the intention to sell, you can only buy.
Now you must be thinking how you can make money. Now I am going to tell you all. If money can be generated, it can also be distributed.
A company manufactures any product for 40 rupees. By coming to us it becomes 100 rupees, because this money goes to As a Commission.
(a). Company Package.
(b). Matching Income.
(c). Direct Sponsor Maching Income.
(d). Direct Sponser Level Income.
(1). Retail Profit Upto 50%
(2). Bonus Income (50%)
(a). Quick Start-up Bonus 20%
(b).Sequre Bonus 10%
(c). Travel Bonus 10%
(d). Car Fund 10%


We are going to tell you what is the Binary Plan of the company. How can you income from here. Here how much income can you make daily. It is very important for you to understand this. Only then you will be able to work well here.
(A).Company Package.
यहां पर कंपनी के 3 Package हैं।
1. 3000 Bv ( Daily 3000 Rs Capping )
2. 6000 Bv ( Daily 6000 Rs Capping )
3. 12,000 Bv ( Daily 24,000 Rs Capping )
(B). Matching income 10%
If you have as much business as your Team A and B. You will earn 10% percent of that business. Suppose your team has a business of ₹ 1,00,000 in Left Or Right, then you will have an income of ₹ 10,000. Which is very good. There will be business in your team every month. You can make a very good income from here.
1,000 = 100 Rs
3,000 = 300 Rs
6,000 = 600 Rs
12,000 = 1,200 Rs
(C). Direct Sponsor Maching Income.
To get this income, you have to Repurchase 500 BV

You will get 100% Direct Sponsor Matching Income (2: 1) (1: 2) followed by 1: 1
And we will get this income from our Direct
Example -: Suppose you are Team A and Team B. And is working under you. Team A has 9000 BV and Team B has 12,000 BV. If there is 9000 BV Match in your down, then your income will be 9000 Rs.
Team A = 9000 BV
Team B  =12,000 BV
Match = 9000 BV
Then you will get 9000 Rs
This income will get you 20% of the accrossing.
(D). Direct Sponser Level Income.
You can also take a Level Income here.
Level 1 = 5%
Level 2 = 5%
Level 3 = 5%
Level 4 = 5%


(1). Retail Profit Upto 50%
(2). Bonus Income (50%)
Here is some Bonus from the company. Everyone will get here. The company I work with here. Everyone here can win this Bonus. We have told below which of our Bonus are getting. You can start working by reading this.
(a). Quick startup Bonus 20%.

What is Quick Startup Bonus, we are going to tell you sometime.

If you have 2 teams, Team A and Team B

15,000 BV from a team A business

And if there is a business of 18,000 BV from Team B.

So On matching of 1,00,000 Bv distributor has Earn 30 active point.
Total Business volume of turnover of company = 2,50,000 BV
Total Quick Start-up Bonus point collected = 100
Quick startup bonus 20/100 = 2,50,000
Startup bonus points value = 50,000/100 = 500
Quick start up bonus of distributor = 30×100= Rs 15,000
(b). Secure bonus 10%.

What is Secure Bonus, we are going to tell you sometime.

If you have 2 teams, Team A and Team B

15,000 BV from a team A business

And if there is a business of 18,000 BV from Team B.

So On matching of 1,00,000 Bv distributor has Earn 30 active point.
Total Business volume of turnover of company = 2,50,000 BV
Total Quick Start-up Bonus point collected = 50
Sequre bonus = 10/100= 25,000
Sequre bonus point value = 25,000/50= 500
Sequre Bonus Of distributor= 6×500 = Rs 3000
(c). Travel Fund 10%

What is the Travel Fund Bonus, we are going to tell you sometime.

If you have 2 teams, Team A and Team B

15,000 BV from a team A business

And if there is a business of 18,000 BV from Team B.

So On matching of 1,00,000 Bv distributor has Earn 30 active point.
Total Business volume of turnover of company = 2,50,000 BV
Total Quick Start-up Bonus point collected = 5
Travel Fund bonus = 10/100= 25,000
Travel Fund bonus point value = 25,000/5= 5000
Travel Fund Bonus Of distributor= 1×500 = Rs 5000
(d). Car Fund 10%

What is Car Fund Bonus, we are going to tell you sometime.

If you have 2 teams, Team A and Team B

15,000 BV from a team A business

And if there is a business of 18,000 BV from Team B.

So On matching of 1,00,000 Bv distributor has Earn 4 active point.
Total Business volume of turnover of company = 2,50,000 BV
Total Quick Start-up Bonus point collected = 4
Travel Fund bonus = 10/100= 25,000
Travel Fund bonus point value = 25,000/4= 12,500
Travel Fund Bonus Of distributor= 2×6250 = Rs 12,500
If you take Shoppe you will get 5% separately. You can have Shoppe for 50,000.
If you open a Shoppe, you will get 2% Life Time from that Shoppe.
7. Reward.
1 Lakh
1 Lakh
2.5 Lakh
2.5 Lakh
5 Lakh
5 Lakh
10 Lakh
10 Lakh
1 Lakh
25 Lakh
25 Lakh
2.5 Lakh
Blue Diamond
50 Lakh
50 Lakh
5 Lakh
Black Diamond
1 Cr
1 Cr
10 Lakh
Royal Diamond
2.5 Cr
2.5 Cr
25 Lakh
Crown Diamond
5 Cr
5 Cr
50 Lakh
10 Cr
10 Cr
1 Cr
Royal Ambassador
20 Cr
20 Cr
2 Cr
Crown Ambassador
50 Cr
50 Cr
5 Cr

There is some Reward from the company here, everyone can win Reward here, and one you can earn income from here.

8. Why Glowic Supermart Product.
Why take the product from Glowic Lifecare. We see the product by 2 things. First is Quality and second is Price.
If we talk about quality then we have:

All these have certificates that justify the quality of the product. And the company also provides 30-day Money Back Guarantee with it.

If you do not like the product, then you use it and you return and you will get all your money.
The company has given Money Back Guarantee because the company has complete confidence in its product.

In the end, let me tell you that you get a discount of 10% to 20% on every product and product. We get PV and BV on every product.

9. Why Glowic Lifecare.
Why you should do Glowic Lifecare, why not the rest of the company.
we aim to.
Be Your Own Boss.

And this is an Indian company.

We also do not want to promote the company of any other country but, our Glowic Lifecare is a company of our country. And this company is the best. And also a trustworthy company.

10. Contact Us.

11. Legal Documents.
12. FAQ.
Ans. Yes Every Direct Seller has to make a purchase of a minimum of 30 Pv. After 30 Pv purchase , one can Start Doing the Glowic Lifecare Business.
Ans.Every Direct Seller can Return Glowic Lifecare  Product within 30 days.
Ans.Glowic Lifecare a legal MLM Company.
Ans. Yes. Glowic Lifecare Is an Indian MLM Company, 
Ans.if you Want to start MLM Business , then Glowic Supermart is a great option in India,but MLM is not everyone cup of tea. 99.96 MLM participate Lose their money.
13.Team FREE MLM Rivew.
Friends now talk about the Glowic Lifecare company. We have reviewed the company and known about the company. Who is already in the company. We asked how the company is. We asked about the product. So a lot of points came up. He joined the side and told that the company is very good.
14. Conclusion.
So guys this was our post today Glowic Lifecare? Hope you have understood everything about Glowic Lifecare very well if you have liked our post today, then let us know by commenting in the Comment Box.
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