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Hello, friends welcome to Free Mlm. In today’s post, we are going to tell you what is Tirus If you also want to join Tirus and want to get more information about it, then you are reading the right post because along with this you will also know how to understand Tirus.
What is Tisrus in Free Mlm. You will also be able to know this through this post, we will explain it to you in very easy language, hope that you will definitely like the information about our today’s post Tirus, in the same way you will also like every post coming on our blog. 

1. ABOUT US :-

The company Tirus was founded by professional investors who clearly understand the concept of diversification which means the spreading of monetary investments among several investment instruments and thus ensuring high security of the invested funds.

Many years of experience and successful work withinthe investment market allowed Tirus to create a portfolio of investment instruments that will help all those interested in fund investing to become a real investor and to gain financial stability and freedom.


If we talk about the company’s profile, The company has Russian origins and was founded in 2016 and is specialized in the field of computing and informatics Its product: It is about online lessons + mobile applications.


  • Investment In Real Estate.
  • Ringular Matrix Marketing.
  • Multi-currency Exchanger.
  • Zerostock Decentralized Exchange.
  • Tirus & Wellness Health Product.
  • Tirus Promotion.
  • Online Casino In Blockchain.
  • Online Lottery In Blockchain.
  • WNL Cryptocurrency.
  • P2P Crypto Exchanger.
  • Buying Gold.
  • Payment System PAYSTARS.
  • Service For Promotion Of Social Media Network BKLab.
  • Gambling Platforms.
  • Micro-Credit (Coming Soon).
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Franchise Licence Investment Amount Wellness Bonus
Easy 10$ 10$
Medium 50$ 50$
Hard 100$ 100$
Grand 1000$ 1000$

Each of the above packages have 1-10 rings which is where you have to work.

Everyone have to start with easy (1st) Package latter you can upgrade with Medium , Hard, Grand.


  • Ring Income.
  • Linear Premiums.
  • Carrier & Reward.


  • A journey From 10$ to 72000$.

5.1.1. 10 RING SYSTEM :-


Here you will start first Ring with 10$ and you will get 30$ after completing Ring 1.When your ID is promoted to 2nd ring 30$ are charged as fee. When you complete 2nd ring you will earn 90$ from which 50$ will be deducted as fee to promote ring and 10$ are deducted as a fee for reinvesting a new ID in 1st ring. So after completing the 2nd ring for the first time you will earn $30 which you can withdraw. Thus after completing 2nd ring your earnings will start. When you complete 2nd from second time your earnings will increase to 80$ as you have already unlocked 3rd ring, only 10$ fee will be deducted for reinvesting of a new ID (again) in 1st ring. Similarly when 4th ring is completed ID will be promoted to 5th ring and a new ID will be added to 3rd ring and so on.


Here you will start first Ring with 50$ and you will get 150$ after completing Ring 1.When your ID is promoted to 2nd ring 150$ are charged as fee.  When you complete 2nd ring you will earn 450$ from which 250$ will be deducted as fee to promote ring and 50$ are deducted as a fee for reinvesting a new ID in 1st ring. So after completing the 2nd ring for the first time you will earn $150 which you can withdraw. Thus after completing 2nd ring your earnings will start. When you complete 2nd from second time your earnings will increase to 400$ as you have already unlocked 3rd ring, only 50$ fee will be deducted for reinvesting of a new ID (again) in 1st ring. Similarly when 4th ring is completed ID will be promoted to 5th ring and a new ID will be added to 3rd ring and so on.


Here you will start first Ring with 100$ and you will get 300$ after completing Ring 1.When your ID is promoted to 2nd ring 300$ are charged as fee.  When you complete 2nd ring you will earn 900$ from which 500$ will be deducted as fee to promote ring and 100$ are deducted as a fee for reinvesting a new ID in 1st ring. So after completing the 2nd ring for the first time you will earn 300$ which you can withdraw. Thus after completing 2nd ring your earnings will start. When you complete 2nd from second time your earnings will increase to 800$ as you have already unlocked 3rd ring, only 100$ fee will be deducted for reinvesting of a new ID (again) in 1st ring. Similarly when 4th ring is completed ID will be promoted to 5th ring and a new ID will be added to 3rd ring and so on.


Here you will start first Ring with 1000$ and you will get 3000$ after completing Ring 1.When your ID is promoted to 2nd ring 3000$ are charged as fee.  When you complete 2nd ring you will earn 9000$ from which 5000$ will be deducted as fee to promote ring and 1000$ are deducted as a fee for reinvesting a new ID in 1st ring. So after completing the 2nd ring for the first time you will earn 3000$ which you can withdraw. Thus after completing 2nd ring your earnings will start. When you complete 2nd from second time your earnings will increase to 8000$ as you have already unlocked 3rd ring, only 1000$ fee will be deducted for reinvesting of a new ID (again) in 1st ring. Similarly when 4th ring is completed ID will be promoted to 5th ring and a new ID will be added to 3rd ring and so on.


EASY [10 $]

Line = Level

MEDIUM [ 50$ ]

HARD [ 100$ ]

GRAND [ 1000$ ]





Company website –



So friends, this was our today’s post Tirus Plan. Hope you have understood everything about Tirus Plan very well, if you liked our today’s post, then do let us know by commenting in the Comment Box. If you have any problem, then definitely tell us, our team will try our best to solve your problem, if you liked our post, then definitely share it with your friends so that they too can get complete information about Tirus. If you want that you can get more information about this Tirus Plan through this post of ours, then you can tell us, we will try that you get to read about more such posts, along with this, you will get to know about our post. Must keep liking and sharing. Friends, if you want to get the latest updates of our website, then do not forget to subscribe to our Free Mlm Notifications, so that you will continue to get the latest updates of our upcoming new posts, then friends will only see you again for today. Goodbye to you. Have a nice day.

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